Tipsy in Tromsø

Tromsø is a darling little town to use as a gateway to your Lapland adventures. It is so much fun to walk around in the snow – for big and little kids and kittens – and is the kind of place that leaves you beaming, (cold), but filled with snowy joy. We stayed at City Living – a lovely apart-hotel – as …

Tipsy and the London Fire Brigade

No, Tipsy Cat didn’t get stuck up a tree.  She met these rather lovely chaps and their fire engine when they came home to do a London Fire Brigade Home Safety Visit.  Every home in London can book one – it’s free, because they want to prevent fires of course – and it’s especially good if you a worried about an …

Pets’ Mews: Issue 7 – Snowtastic!

Hello there, Thanks for joining us for the first Pets’ Mews of 2017. We had a lot of fun last year, and were chuffed to bits to find out that you are truly global readers.  We love being able to help us Pets, Plushies and their People connect, build bridges, and share our fun with each other around the world – …

Tipsy’s Roman Holiday

If you believe certain stories that are doing the rounds, you’ll believe that Tipsy’s Roman Holiday included her eating vast quantities of gelato, riding round on a moped, having her fringe cut, and being caught up in a something of a ruckus when her Little Pet went to pet a puppy dog who tried to return the friendliness by attempting …

Tipsy’s Christmas Fruit Cake

Our Instafriends, @sunnymals requested this recipe, so here it it.  It’s been taken from Delia – who else – but we’ve changed it a bit here and there because we don’t like some things like glacé cherries or candied peel (but you can add these if you do), and we do like brandy (so we added lots more of this).  …

Tipsy Cat at Christmas at Kew

What can be more festive than oohing and aahing at twinkly lights and wandering round an enchanted garden (with a clever flask of mulled wine) on a frosty December night?  On the recommendation of a couple of Tipsy’s Little Pet’s colleagues – one of whom had provided the handy hint of the pre-prepared mulled wine (you can also buy mulled …

Tipsy’s Pepparkakor: Ginger (highly snappy) snaps

Feeling well and truly in the festive mood, and having been inspired by our friend @ginger_ned’s great piece in the Christmas issue of Pets’ Mews, a couple of aunts, and a recent trip to a certain Scandi DIY store, Tipsy decided to try her paw at a bit of gingery baking and got me to search out a recipe for …

Read my friend, Cookie M. Report’s great reports.

Hello Everyone,

Are you looking for some other fun blogs to read or Instagram buddies to follow?  Well, why not try our lovely friend, Cookie M. Report’s feed and blog.  It’s great – Cookie lives in the Netherlands and writes and takes photos of lots of interesting things, such as his trips to zoos which help to save lovely animals, his visits to the bakery, and on his blog, he’s got a great alphabet page.  He even wrote for Pets’ Mews, so you can check out his report in Issue 5, if you like, and he recently hosted a huge instagram party on Cookie Island.

His photos are very cute, and, being a Cookie Monster breed, he  writes in true Cookie Monster English (of course), which is so much fun to read.  Cookie’s also got a great selection of knitwear thanks to his pet (and no, I’m not jealous at all and not upset that my pet can’t knit – I’m hoping she’ll take it up as a New Year’s Resolution, ahem).

So, if you want to follow Cookie on Instagram, click here.

And if you want to read his blog, click here.

I hope you enjoy following him as much as I do.

Keep posted for more great reading tips.

Bye for now,




Pets’ Mews: Special Edition, Christmas 2016

Festive Greetings, to you Dear Friends, We started this blog earlier this year, and we haven’t quite made our first Instagram birthday yet (celebrations to come in March 2017), but we’ve already had so much fun. We’ve loved blogging and Pets’ Mews has just been a joy – thank you to all of you who have contributed with stories and …