Rain, Rio, & Around

We stayed a week in Rio – hurrah – at a most beautiful B&B, Guest House Bianca, in Santa Teresa (fantastic hosts, great building, and an amazing view), and there were a lot of things to do, but unfortunately it rained and rained and rained, and was also a bit dangerous (don’t take any bags about with you, unless they …

Pets’ MewsPaper: Issue 2

Wow, you lot have been busy!  There’s been so much going on.  We’ve got your fantastic Mews, exclusive interviews, and beautiful artwork in this special Art Issue. We’ve tried to pack in as much as we could – I’m sorry we couldn’t put in more of your Mews, but if you haven’t been featured in this issue, hopefully you will be in …

Bakewell Pudding and Tickley Things

Bakewell Pudding – Yes Please Now, did you know that Bakewell Pudding and Bakewell Tarts are two different things?  The famous pudding which gave the village its name (well, according to Tipsy anyway), was supposed to have come about from a misunderstanding.  The happy accident occurred when the mistress of the White Horse inn instructed her cook to add an …

Tipsy in the Peaks and Chatsworth

Tipsy in the Peaks Balancing rocks always look spectacular, so we thought we’d follow in Elizabeth Bennet’s footsteps and take a walk up to see the Salt Cellar in the Peak District.  On a well-signposted route, we passed lots of great rocks, balancing and not-so-balancing, with stunning views and fresh air aplenty. Tipsy Chat in Chatsworth More Elizabeth Bennet following …

Tipsy at the Top of Ben Nevis

Many pets may have heard of the ‘Three Peak Challenge’, whereby you tear up and down Britain visiting the three tallest mountain peaks (Ben Nevis in Scotland, Snowden in Wales and Scarfell Pike in England), and then tear up and down the said peaks all in 24 hours (a feat of planning, driving skills and of course, hiking prowess – …

Hello Mr Elephant. To the Amer Fort please, (and don’t hurry)

The “Amer” Fort  (be like the locals and pronounce it the regal way, rather than, “Amber”) is a magnificent fortress built on a hill top a little out of Jaipur City.  At the bottom of the hill, swap your taxi for one of the government-approved elephants who’ll lumber up the hill, giving you magnificent views, and a few goose-bumps.  Don’t …

Pets’ MewsPaper: First Issue

Welcome! Thank you for checking out the very first issue of Pets’ Mews – a MewsPaper for Pets, Plushies and their People. Here, we round up our favourite stories of the month from Instagram, and we hope you enjoy reading it. If you’d like to contribute to the August Issue, please let us know (see the front page for more information). …

Tipsy Cat in the Pink City of Jaipur

Jaipur is one of those magical places, and when you think of India, with all its colour and history, this is the place you’ve probably got in mind.  Luckily enough, it has managed to escape the gloss-ification of many other cities in India (now fast heading into a globalised era of generic high-streets and tall shiny buildings).  Instead, Jaipur retains …

Cat in the Castle

The National Trust’s Bodiam castle is a real treat for all little ones and bigger ones too.  The visit starts with you being given a grout – after all you need some 14th Century money to get into the 14th Century castle – and you enter via the walkway across the moat. Climbing up lots of windey stairs, takes you …