An oast house, a walk on the beach, and lovely hot choccie in Rye

What can be better than a lovely spring walk on the beach?  Tipsy took advantage of May Bank Holiday to take us to Kent and to the Rye Harbour Nature Reserve near Winchelsea Beach. The beach was pretty deserted and absolutely beautiful. The Rye Harbour Nature Reserve offered Tipsy the chance to be carried about on a lovely walk and to …

Tipsy Cat, Tipsy Cat where have you been?

Well, she’s been to London to see the Queen. And Buckingham Palace is magnificent.  But, not one of the stuffy, museum-like palaces, but a really lived-in, cosy-yet- grand-type of palace. From the moment you arrive, you feel the specialness.  No waiting round queuing on pavements, but instead, visitors queue under great canopies, wait on benches and have the luxury of …

Tipsy Cat in Chapel Down

Not averse to a glass of bubbly or two, and being a crowdfunding shareholder, Tipsy Cat thought it would be a great idea to visit Chapel Down in Tenterden, Kent.  We joined a most interesting tour (not at 9.50 am) of the vineyards, and the wine-making area.  Now growing grapes is not new to the UK, in fact, the fun-loving …

Tipsy Gata in Guayaquil

Guayaquil (pronounced “Guay-a- QUIL.”) is the gateway to the Galapagos, but it’s also a lovely little town worth exploring.   Our hotel welcomed us with cocktails (thank you very much), so Tipsy was already a fan of this lovely city (and of course, she had to try the local brew and snacks). It’s incredibly colourful, with artistic murals painted along the flyovers …

Tipsy Cat in Galapagos

The Galapagos islands are one of those once-in-a-nine-lifetime holidays, and Tipsy, being a big fan of wildlife, nature and science, was very excited to see the magical place which so inspired Charles Darwin.  However, not really having sea-paws, we opted for an island-based stay on Santa Cruz, with trips out to see the wildlife and islands. Among our highlights were …

Tipsy Cat and Chocolate

Tipsy Cat and Chocolate go paw-in-paw, so when she heard that we could stay at a chocolate plantation, she jumped at the chance.  The hacienda was run by an American couple, who offer fine dining experiences and welcome guests with suavva – cocoa pulp juice with rum – and traditional patacón – banana fritters, named after ancient Spanish money (and …

Tipsy Cat in Quito

Our hotel in Quito was run by a bunny rabbit and her English pet, so we knew we were in good paws right from the start – her pet even kindly brought us a much needed cup of tea to our room when our travelling kettle’s plug didn’t fit their electrics (the hotel has now changed paws, but I think …

Tipsy Cat in the Centres of the World – Yes, there’s one than one

If you’re going to go to the centre of the world, you might as well go to three, and lo and behold, Ecuador can offer you just that. There’s Catequilla – located on the equatorial line and which translates as ‘follower of the moon’.  Used in pre-Inca times – it indicates the great knowledge these people had about astronomy – …

Tipsy Cat, Humming Birds, and Mr Olinguito in the Cloud Forest

Now, Tipsy Cat isn’t one of those cats who likes eating birds and cat food (she dines on delicious treats like chocolate and champagne), but she does like watching birds and generally enjoying nature.  With this in mind, our first main stop in Ecuador was the Bellavista Cloud Forest – nestled above the capital of Quito and just under two …