Pets’ Mews Issue 55: June 2021

Hello Everyone, A very happy June to you and a happy issue of PM is ready for you. You can read it in English by clicking below here. Read it in in German thanks to the lovely @ausruheulen. And read it Russian thanks to the delightful @doyka_and_hedge Have fun everyone, and stay safe. Big Hugs, Tipsy xxx

Pets’ Mews Issue 53: April 2021

Hello Everyone, Happy Easter! Hooray! We have a wonderful crafting special for you this month as well as a round up of some of your lovely photos. You can read it in English by clicking on the link below. Read it in German thanks to the lovely @ausruheulen. Read it in Russian thanks to the delightful @doyka_and_hedge Thanks, Happy Reading, …

Pets’ Mews Issue 52: March 2021

Happy March Everyone! We hope you are well and staying safe. Here is the latest issue of Pets’ Mews, hot off the e-press, just for you. You can read it in English, just click under here. In German, Hurrah! And in Russian, thanks to the lovely translation from @doyka_and_hedge Hurrah again! Lots of love, Tipsy and Pets xxx

Pets’ Mews Issue 50: Christmas 2020

Merry Christmas

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas Everyone! Welcome to the 50th issue of Pets’ Mews, and it’s a cracker if we do say so myself. Read it in English by clicking on the link below. Read it in German thanks to the lovely @ausruheulen. Read it in Russian thanks to the delightful @doyka_and_hedge. Have a wonderful festive season and wishing you …

Pets’ Mews: Issue 49 November 2020

Hi Everyone, We’ve got a really important issue of Pets’ Mews for you this month with a lead article written by our very own brilliant German translator, @ausruheulen. To read the English version, click below. For the German version, look here. And for the Russian version, it’s just below here thanks to the gorgeous Doyka. See you all next month …

Ein Mensch zu sein

von @ausruheulen Als Plüschie finde ich es manchmal schwierig, die Menschen zu verstehen. Vor einigen Wochen, als ich spazieren flog, kam ich am Spielplatz vorbei und traf Klein Paulina mit ihrer Mutter. Freudestrahlend zeigte sie mir ihre erste Armbanduhr. Die Uhr funkelte Türkis und das Zifferblatt zeigte ein Portrait von Disneys Arielle. Ich war hin und weg! Ich liebe Meerjungfrauen, …

Part of Your Human’s World: Guest Blog Post by Miu Owl

@ausruheulen Being a plushie I sometimes find it hard to understand the human world. A few weeks ago, I was flying around the block. When I passed the children’s playground, I met our neighbors, little Paulina and her mom. Beaming with delight Paulina showed me her first watch. It was twinkling, turquoise and the clock face showed a picture of …