Pets’ Mews: Christmas 2023

Hello Dear Friends, Thank you for your support over the year and for reading our MewsPaper and getting in touch and sharing your stories and photos with us. Here is the Christmas issue! You can read it in English: In Russian, as ever, thanks to the wonderful Doyka and Hedge. And thanks to the wonderful Miu and the Parliament, in …

Pets’ Mews Autumn Issue 2023

Hello Everyone, Welcome back. Thanks for joining us again for another issue of Pets’ Mews. It’s so nice to see you here to catch up with what’s been going on in the Plushie Community, both sad and happy. You can read it in English: In Russian thanks to lovely @doyka_and_hedge: And / Or in German thanks to lovely Miu and …

Pets’ Mews: Summer 2023

Hello, My friends, It’s that time again for us to publish a brand new issue of Pets’ Mews. We hope you like it. You can read it in English: In German. Thank you dear @ausruheulen And in Russian. Thank you dear @doyka_and_hedge Big hug to you all, Love, Tipsy xxx

Pets’ Mews: Spring Issue 2023

Hello Everyone, Welcome to a very lovely spring issue of Pets’ Mews. It has so many nice articles in it, and we really hope you enjoy it. If you would like to contribute a story or photo, we’d love to hear from you. We are also looking for those of you who would like to send in book reviews or …

Pets’ Mews Christmas Issue: 2023

Hello Everyone, Hooray and welcome to a special Christmas issue of Pets’ Mews. It’s been a year where the Plushie Community has really pulled together through tough times, and we want to say how proud we are to be part of a community that is so amazing. Plushies Build Bridges for sure! You can read our Christmas here in English, …

Pets’ Mews April 2022: Issue 64

Hello My Friends, Here is the April issue of Pets’ Mews. We hope it puts a spring in your step. You can read it in English. In Russian thanks to the lovely @doyka_and_hedge Or in German thanks to the wonderful @ausruheulen Sending you all big hugs, Tipsy and Pets xx

Useful Information for our Ukrainian Friends

Plushie Help Network Image and Logo

Hello Friends, As you may know, one of the missions of the Plushie Help Network was to provide useful and trusted sources of information to anyone in need. We have therefore put together a PowerPoint listing: information for those who need to enter Romania trusted donation sites You can download this as a ppt or as a pdf. There is …

Pets’ Mews Issue 57: September 2021

Hello Everyone, We’re back and with a brand new line up and look for you. We really hope you like it! Do let us know 🙂 You can read it in English by clicking below. Or in Russian, thanks to the best supercow and knighted hedgehog there are. Or in German, thanks to a wonderful parliament of relaxing owls! Big …

Pets’ Mews Issue 55: June 2021

Hello Everyone, A very happy June to you and a happy issue of PM is ready for you. You can read it in English by clicking below here. Read it in in German thanks to the lovely @ausruheulen. And read it Russian thanks to the delightful @doyka_and_hedge Have fun everyone, and stay safe. Big Hugs, Tipsy xxx